torstai 24. toukokuuta 2012

My mobile phone timeline

Cheers mates!

I decided to gather all my previous (and current) mobile phones to timeline. It took a while to remember which were those mobile phones I had during my previous years.

After a moment, I had a list of all my previous brands and models and later on I searched pictures from all phones via Google picture search. With help of Photoshop and my average graphic design skills I created simple timeline, where all my previous phones are in chronological order. Timeline describes pictures and model names.

Even thought timeline is not part of my Android development project, I want to share it among my blog readers.

All my past phones (and current one) in chronological order

sunnuntai 20. toukokuuta 2012

Trying new custom launcher

Decided to investigate and try other ICS compatible custom launchers, especially those which allows to modify app drawer.

Tried first Nova Launcher, which seems quite similar than Andromadus' stock launcher (Trebutchet) but it has feature which allows to modify app drawer. The most essential for me was possibility to hide app icons.

In my opinion Andromadus Audacity b3 ICS rom includes several stock apps' which ain't so necessary, e.g. Dev Tools, Movie Studio, Search, Latitude, Places, Speech Recorder, Talk and News and Weather.

Some of you might see earlier mentioned apps highly necessary but according to my personal needs I wanted to hide those app icons from app drawer.

To adjust app drawer, Nova Launcher Prime version was required to download and install. Price was quite small in Google Play-store but still I decided to get apk file via Google.