lauantai 26. tammikuuta 2013

New year means new era - Please welcome Cyanogenmod

Hola folks!

It's been time since last post in my Android deving blog. After clearing my thoughts, I finally decided to give try for Cyanogenmod, to be more specific newest version CM 10.1. That was the best choice in my opinion even though it wasn't so called stable build.

Moving from thoughts to action

So here comes what I really did via step-by-step procedure:

1. Back'd up current ROM (ARHD 19.0) via CWM
2. Downloaded official CM 10.1 Nightly build (build Jan 22nd) and newest Google Apps (known as GAPPS)
3. Booted phone to CWM
4. Did full wipe (wipe data, cache and dalvik cache)
5. Installed first CM 10.1 and then GAPPS
6. Fixed permissions
7. Finally did reboot

Boot went fine, saw fancy CM logo and waited for a while that fresh install completed to desktop.

First thoughts of CM 10.1

After having first glance of the entire view, CM 10.1 looked pretty much same when compared to my previous experience of CM during my earlier HTC deving times. As already pointed out earlier in this blog, my first Android phone was HTC Desire Z which had Mimicry custom ROM (based on CM repo and 4.0.4 base).

I'm more than glad that currently CM dev team has included ROM auto update, which makes updating CM Nightly much more easier. In other words just connect to Wi-Fi, go to settings and search new updates, download possible update and install it. Hitting install basically means that CM boots automatically to CWM, flashes newest update and reboot back to business. I would say that is a nice user-friendly addon because new updates comes every day, that's what Nightly version is all about.

Current thoughts of CM 10.1

Currently running newest CM 10.1 Nightly (cm-10.1-20130125-NIGHTLY-i9300) with CM own kernel. So far I've been satisfied it and haven't been thinking about returning to ARHD even though it's also worth of mention custom ROM based on stock Sammy 4.1.2 (XXEMA1).

Haven't installed any mods or tweaks, only installed custom icon pack to make homescreen more personal based on my interest. Take a look my current view of modified homescreen.

Personally modified homescreen of CM 10.1 Nightly.

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