Hola folks,
as you might have noticed, Google has released new fw version for Hammerhead also known as Nexus 5. Latest release goes with 5.1.1 LMY48B build version and it's possible to download from Google Developers site under the title Factory Images for Nexus Devices. After a bit scrolling, it's possible to find device called "hammerhead" for Nexus 5 (GSM/LTE).
There's also brief factory image installation instructions on that specific site but in case you've noticed, my previous post provides alternative source for those instructions.
Quick sights from latest release
After a couple of days usage, I'd notice significant improvement compared to previous release 5.1 LMY47D. With latest version runtime more than 24 hours, free RAM has settled to approx 1.1GB which is 10-15% improvement from previous version when measuring my personal use.
Some remarks from battery usage
Here's average battery durability from 3 charges' average value. Battery lasted 25-30 hours with roughly 3 hour SOT (Screen On Time). And about my daily use in general, each email's push in every 15 minutes and all social media apps' has active push meaning when new message arrives to Facebook, phone let's me know it asap. Also some web browsing and Facebook basically every freaking day without forgetting minor video streaming from Youtube.
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