since had some minor cracks in my body's frame, I decided to order new case for my device. When doing some research, my priorities were basically black colored lightweight version with premium quality. After comparing various products, I finally ended up to Spigen's Nexus 5 Case Ultra Fit which I ordered directly from Spigen's online store.
Before deciding from which store I'd order Spigen's case, I ended up to Spigen's own online store for following reasons: guarantying genuine product (compared to fake alternatives from eBay or Amazon) and decent price shipping included.
Since product's price without shipping expenses would be below 22 EUR (approx 25 USD), shipment from non-EU location wouldn't land to customs here in Finland, I decided to order case from US.
Shipment confirmation included shipment tracking number, so I was able to follow my shipment via USPS tracking service which was relatively accurate even though it didn't notify me when shipment landed to airport in Finland.
Shipping duration was approx 7 days, didn't that much calculate more accurate duration.
Total cost was approx 18.5 EUR (21 USD).
Here's some unboxing photos from Spigen's case I'm currently using in my device.
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